Product Reviews

Ultra Commerce currently has a basic review system in place which allows frontend users to leave feedback about products for other users to see. All reviews on the site will be listed here, and can be edited or removed accordingly.

To access the Product Review Listing page:

  • Click on Marketing from the Ultra Commerce toolbar.
  • Select Product Reviews from the drop-down.

The Product Reviews listing page will appear.

All reviews consist of four parts:

  • Review Title - The title of the review
  • Reviewer Name - The name of the person posting the review
  • Rating - The score from 1 to 5, selected via radio button
  • Product Name - The actual text of the review - a simple text entry box on the front-end

Reviews are not displayed by default on the front-end and must be approved through the product reviews section of Ultra Commerce. In order to be displayed on the front-end, Active must be set to Yes.

To make a review active click on the pencil icon to the right of the desired review.

The product review detail page will open.

  • Set Active to Yes,
  • Save the changes and the review will be visible on the front-end.