
The Settings Listing is where administrators can edit many of the Global Settings, default settings, and automated Email settings. To see the settings listing select Config from the Ultra Commerce navigation toolbar, and select Settings from the drop-down.

Global Settings

  • Send Anonymous Usage Stats. By default this is set to do nothing.
  • Currency Locale. Default currency locale set here.
  • Currency TypeDetermines whether local or international standards of currency are used.
  • Date Format. Standard date display using "m" for month, "d" for day, and "y" for year.
  • Ultra Commerce Application Logging. None, General or Detail.
  • Time Format. Standard time display using "h" for hour, "m" for minute, "s" for second, and "tt" for am/pm
  • Audit Auto-Archive After X Versions. Performance setting. Default is 10. Keeps first, rolling audit.
  • Auto Commit Mode. Separate thread, same request.
  • Image Assets Folder Path. Location of images.
  • File Assets Folder Path. Location of assets.
  • Missing Image Path. If the site cannot locate the right image on a page, it will display this instead. Enter the URL address at which the alternative image is stored, minus the main URL (i.e. for you'd just enter /something).
  • Order Number Generation. Determines whether order numbers are generated within Ultra Commerce or elsewhere.
  • Brand URL Key. Part of URL that will display prior to a brand (i.e. for, /brand/Nike, you'd type brand).
  • Product URL Key. Part of URL that will display prior to product (i.e. for /product/Air-Jordans, you'd type product).
  • Product Type URL Key. Part of URL that will display prior to product type (i.e. for /pt/sneakers, you'd type pt).
  • Weight Measurement Unit. Unit (i.e. pound vs. kg) which is used to display weights across the site; selected from drop-down options.
  • Log Out Admin Accounts After X Minutes of Inactivity. For security.
  • Log Out Public Accounts After X Minutes of Inactivity. For security.
  • Gift Card Message Length. Character limit for gift card messages.
  • The maximum number of fulfillments allowed on a single order.

Global Advanced Settings

  • Admin Domain Names. Determines where Ultra Commerce admin exists.
  • Allowed Outside Redirect Sites. Domain names that will redirect.
  • Client Secret. Added security for client side.
  • Encryption Algorithm, Encoding, Key Size, Key Location, and Service. Use varies.
  • Force Credit Card Over SSL. To secure credit card data.
  • Ignore Session Tracking IP Regex, until Logged In or Cart Created. Session won't be tracked until user has logged in or created a cart.
  • View RemoteID Fields in Administrator. If data is pulled from external system, determines if it's visible in the backend.
  • Edit RemoteID Fields in Administration. If data is pulled from external system, determines if it's editable in the backend.
  • Display Integration Processing Errors. Message will show if integration has errors, default setting is yes.

Account Settings

  • Eligible Payment Methods. Global setting of eligible payment methods. If they are active, they will be available for use unless overridden at individual account level, or at product/sku level.
  • Eligible Payment Terms. For use with Term Payment payment method, and only if term payment is active.
  • Default Account Payment Term. The payment term that is set as default.
  • Term Account Credit Limit. By default it is set at $0, it must be greater than $0 for an account to be able to use Term Payment as a payment method.
  • Max Admin Failed Login Attempts. Max number of failed logins before the public account is locked.
  • Max Public Failed Login Attempts. Max number of failed logins before the public account is locked
  • Force Admin Password Reset Every x Days. Prompts admin to reset password after a set number of days.
  • Lock Accounts For x Minutes. Amount of time that an account is locked after failed login attempts.

Brand Settings

  • Brand HTML Title String, Meta Description String, and Meta Keywords String, Brand Display Template (by site)

Content Settings

  • Restrict Access. By default set to No. Global setting that determines if content is accessible. Setting be overridden at the individual content level.
  • Require Purchase for Access. By default set to No. Global setting that determines if content needs to be purchased for access. Setting be overridden at the individual content level.
  • Require Subscription for Access. By default set to No. Global setting that determines if content needs a subscription for access. Setting be overridden at the individual content level.
  • Include Products from Child Listing Pages.
  • No Access Template. This is content barrier template.
  • Content HTML Title String.
  • Content Meta Description String. SEO purposes, global setting if set here.
  • Content Meta Keywords String. SEO purposes, global settinng if set here.

Email Settings

  • Email From Address, To Address, CC Address, BCC Addresss. These settings here are default settings that will be overridden if set elsewhere, for example gift cards etc.
  • Bounced Email Reply Address. Way to keep track of emails that are bouncing.
  • Email Subject
  • Bounced Email Server (IMAP)
  • Bounced Email Server Port (IMAP)
  • Bounced Email Server Username
  • Bounced Email Server Password

Fulfillment Method Settings

  • Automatic Fulfillment Location. Default fulfillment location.
  • Min. Amount Received Percentage. Minimum amount that must be captured before order can be fulfilled.
  • Email From, CC
  • Email Subject Template
  • Sort Shipping Options by. Sort by price or alphabetically in shipping drop-down.

Image Setting

  • Missing Image Alt String
  • Missing Image Path

Location Configuration Settings

  • Pre Event Reservation Minutes
  • Post Event Reservation Minutes

Payment Method Settings

  • Maximum Order Total Percentage Amount

Product Type Settings

  • Product Type HTML Title String, Meta Description String, and Meta Keywords String.
  • Product Type Display Template

Product Settings

  • Display Product Detail When Not Published
  • Default Image Extension. jpg, png etc.
  • Product Image Option Code Delimiter. If an Product Image Group for an Option Group is set to Yes, this will be Product code + Option.
  • Product Title Format
  • Product  HTML Title String, Meta Description String, and Meta Keywords String.
  • Auto approve product reviews
  • Small Image Width. Default pixel width for small images (pulled in code to automatically resize images to small).
  • Small Image Height. Default pixel height for small images (pulled in code to automatically resize images to small).
  • Medium Image Width. Default pixel width for medium images (pulled in code to automatically resize images to medium).
  • Medium Image Height. Default pixel height for medium images (pulled in code to automatically resize images to medium).
  • Large Image Width. Default pixel width for large images (pulled in code to automatically resize images to large).
  • Large Image Height. Default pixel height for large images (pulled in code to automatically resize images to large).
  • Product Display Template

Site Settings

  • Forgot Password Email Template
  • Verify Account Email Address Email Template
  • Order Origin. Web, POS, Mail Order

Shipping Method Settings

  • Qualifying Shipping Rate Selection Method. By default chooses the lowest rate.

Shipping Rate Settings 

  • Rate Adjustment Type. Increase/Decrease Percentage/Amount. Choose whether to alter the shipping rate, either by charging a percentage or amount less than the actual rate, or by charging a percentage or amount more than the actual rate.
  • Rate Adjustment Amount. The fixed amount, or percentage (default: 0) by which the rate is increased or decreased.
  • Minimum Rate Amount. The minimum adjustment you want to add/subtract from the actual rate.
  • Maximum Rate Amount. The maximum adjustment you want to add/subtract from the actual rate.

SKU Settings 

  • Backorder OK. Toggle whether or not it is possible to permit orders for out-of-stock SKUs for SKUs inheriting global settings.
  • Preorder OK. Toggle whether or not it is possible to permit orders for not-yet-released SKUs for SKUs inheriting global settings.
  • Bundle Auto Makeup Inventory On Sale Track inventory of skus in bundle.
  • Bundle Auto Breakup Inventory On Return Track inventory of skus in bundle.
  • Default Currency. Default currency from eligible currencies.
  • Default Image Naming Convention. product code + option code
  • Eligible Currencies. Valid currencies for the sku.
  • Eligible Fulfillment Methods. Choose which fulfillment methods (Shipping, Pickup, Email, Download, or Auto) are available by default for SKUs inheriting global settings.
  • Eligible Order Origins. Choose which methods (Web, POS, Mail Order) are viable means of generating orders for SKUs inheriting global settings.
  • Eligible Payment Methods. Choose which methods (cash, credit, debit, PayPal, etc.) are viable means of payment for SKUs inheriting global settings.
  • Sku Email Fulfillment Template
  • Gift Card Email Fulfillment Template
  • Autogenerate Gift Card Codes. Yes or No
  • Length of Autogenerated Gift Card Codes Pre-determined code length
  • Enforce Gift Card Expiration Terms Yes or No, note in some places by law gift cards can not expire.
  • Hold Back Quantity. How many of a SKU you wish to have on-hand at all times. This primarily affects Available To Sell (ATS) count. For example, if you want to have one of a SKU at all times, set this to one, and ATS will be calculated as if having an inventory of one were the same as having an inventory of zero.
  • Min. Order Quantity. Used for SKUs which are not sold individually; otherwise set to 1.
  • Max Order Quantity. Used for SKUs which are limited in availability (i.e. "no more than 2 per order"); otherwise set high value (i.e. 1000).
  • Registration Approval Required
  • Shipping Weight & Shipping Weight Unit of Measurement. Shipping weight of a single quantity of a SKU (value and unit are separate settings). Can be changed at the individual SKU level if this global weight setting is not applicable.
  • Track Inventory. Determines whether Ultra Commerce tracks inventory of this particular SKU.
  • QATS includes QNRORO/QNROVO/QNROSA. Quantity Available To Sell includes Quantity Not Received on Return Order/Vendor Order/Stock Adjustment. These settings determine whether you wish to include SKUs ordered but not received in their expected shipment as if they were in your stock and available to be sold. By default these should be set to No.
  • Tax Category. Choose the default tax category for SKUs from the dropdown menu. For more information on tax categories, consult Tax Categories of the user guide. Default category should consist of all regions in which you are incorporated.

Subscription Usage Settings

  • Auto Retry After Day(s) If a renewal fails, this determines when auto renewal will be attempted again
  • Renewal Reminder Day(s) Number of days before renewal that an email that is sent to remind user of  subscription renewal.
  • Subscription Renewal Reminder Email Template. Place where created template is selected.

Task Settings

  • Task Failure Email Template. Place where created template is selected.
  • Task Success Email Template. Place where created template is selected.